You know that if you said any of the shit you regularly say to someone IRL, you’d get the absolute fucking shit beat out of you, right?
You know that if you said any of the shit you regularly say to someone IRL, you’d get the absolute fucking shit beat out of you, right?
Let’s all focus on a fucking string instead of the every-day shit that really affects black lives:
You realize this is probably yet another hoax, right?
All it takes to troll people these days is a piece of string tied in the right location. This is the second article about a “noose” being placed somewhere on The Root in like two days.
Not that I want to be that person buuuuuut......the very few times Trump mentions Barron and it’s a clear attempt to pull at your heartstrings. Just smells a tad bit like manipulation is all.
Working the old “What about the children!” angle.
What kind of parents let their 11-year-old son view an image of his dad beheaded in effigy?
Keep it classy, Democrats:
Unless the film acknowledges that Tupac was a rapist, it’s a work of fiction.
Oh, ffs. Another whitewashed movie? I’m surprised... </sarcasm>
This is equally laughable: