Locomotive Jones

I would love to know how you define a crime, because the basic definition of crime has always been breaking the law. Overstaying visas, illegally crossing the border are all breaking the laws, so why aren’t they a crime?

This man hater site is completely toxic and close minded, I come here when I am having too good of a day so I can level it off a bit and keep myself reminded that their are still shitty people in this world who just can’t exist unless they’re miserable and furiously typing comments on this god awful blog from under

Well there you have it folks. I couldn’t have given a better definition of Identity Politics than this.

I genuinely hope you don’t believe that every voter for Trump is a racist. It’s these kind of massive generalizations that indeed will keep the nation divided.

What you have right there - is a racist and godawful attitude. Pick out the log in your own eye before picking at the splinter in anothers. Good on you for feeling moral superiority /sarcasm.

Your bigotry is assigning that intent to them. As she said, there was authenticity in their exchange.

So this is where we’re at? Can’t even have a post about an act of generosity without it being questioned? This is getting ridiculous.

“You should smile more” =/= “You have a nice smile”

He was a DENTIST, ffs! Dentists notice smiles. Mrs. E was a hairdresser for years, and still describes people by their hairstyle.

How many incidents (at least in the last 10 yrs) has a black person been shot by a white guy when politely asking for help with a flat tire, that sounds like pure BS, from a deluded fevered leftie brain. On the other hand in the past month we just had 2 separate verified incidents of black hate crimes vs totally

Yeah. “Tough.” But don’t let reality interfere with your predilections.

You might wanna look up the the stats on black on white crime and the reverse.

Wow. You went through a lot of mental hoops to justify your continued bitterness and “holier than thou” attitude.

I submit that it’s a bad idea to look down on people because you think they did something you dislike and your only evidence is their race, gender, and home state.

He hasn’t since. Do you want him to invent a time machine and go back in time?

I love how this is always the demand of the progressive- “be quiet if you don’t agree with me”. Look up top, it’s right there on the links to Michael Keaton and Jon Voight- “I don’t agree with you, so shut up”.

Cool. Then what?

Theres no such thing as 2nd chanches

So what exactly is the problem then? He did not assault them, he fessed up to it, and paid them. What more do you want?

Casey Affleck is not a “Predator” though. He was never accused of assaulting a woman. Rather, he was accused of saying crass and demeaning things to women who worked on a couple of his movies. He apologized and paid restitution. He did NOT touch them.