Locomotive Jones

These next four years won’t be kind for Mayor Emanuel and Mayor de Blasio, and nor should they be.

I love how this is always the demand of the progressive- “be quiet if you don’t agree with me”. Look up top, it’s right there on the links to Michael Keaton and Jon Voight- “I don’t agree with you, so shut up”.

And what more do I want? I want him to not sexually harass women in the first place.

He didn’t touch them???? He said “sorry!”??? Cool, we’re all good. Nothing to see here, folks! Casey Affleck is A-OK!

It’s okay, Constance. When you get black-listed from Hollywood for not protecting the predators, you can join forces with Lexi Alexander and start a movement.

Well there you have it folks. I couldn’t have given a better definition of Identity Politics than this.

You might wanna look up the the stats on black on white crime and the reverse.

Here’s the thing about that note, though. It would be much easier to “smile” and share “genuine kindness” if people who looked like him weren’t shooting people who look like me down for asking for help with a flat tire or broken down car.

Then nothing. She said she felt bad for looking down on these guys before they gave a big tip. I don’t think she needs to feel bad about it. Your mileage may vary.

I am sure Jefferson occasionally wrote nice notes or gave nice gifts to some of the slave women he slept with...and he owned them. Not sure this note and tip demonstrate anything about these men.

Not sexist huh?

What are you babbling about? The point remains valid. Do you always throw the racial grievance card for every single thing that you read?

...............................................question. Do you ever take your own advice or do you just dole it out to prove the OP’s original point?

You fucking crybabies STILL find something to bitch about even when people genuinely do good things, just because you assume they don’t share your political party. Fuck off already. YOU’RE what’s wrong with America.

This is not about the waitress in this particular instance, who I’m happy for, I suppose.

Gives somebody a massive tip. Gets told it’s words not deeds.

.........You should smile more

Exactly what I was thinking... here’s some money for your pretty smile, babe. Eeesh. I mean, I’m glad she got the $450, those guys just seemed creepy.

You know what would be “decent?” Just tipping the “socially-accepted” amount and not writing a cloying note on the receipt. You know, business as usual — no more, no less.

....Its a bit different when the person saying “nice smile” is a dentist...