Locomotive Jones

There are way too many commenters on here who are like, “Well it WAS 1999 and maybe he didn’t know. . . .”

... It’s always a red flag to me when dudes use their female family members as human shields.

That is a long way of saying, “People are too scared to fully criticize this black director because they may be accused of being racist, and being accused of being a racist today is much worse than being accused of rape apology”.

Why is there so much couching and hedging but when, say, an actress decides to work with Woody Allen, she is unambiguously criticized?

Black people breathlessly rushing to defend a black man accused of raping someone? I could’ve sworn that I saw the same thing a few months ago involving a different black celebrity. I forget this name... it rhymed with Bosby, I think?

Does that mean the victim is lying and should be ignored? No. I want peace and healing for her.

Putting aside that both were acquitted

Show me the article, and maybe I will gesticulate?

He could have said that then and still have evolved into a better understanding of consent and women’s rights now.

She did kill herself it has now been revealed. Fuck this dude.

I feel....not terribly shocked by that, as this article felt somewhat like they would’ve very much preferred to ignore the matter all together.

Was her suicide attempt caused by the incident?

Now as I’m applying for post grad stuff, anything that needs to see my transcript, I have to speak on it again.

Yeah that’s a big detail Jezebel is leaving out.

The deadline article also mentions that these two “gentlemen” stalked the victim afterwards, going so far as to hire a private investigator to take her photos on campus. How’s that for intimidation?

I ... it troubles me ... okay a lot of things about this trouble me, but what really sticks in my mind right this second is that she was so distraught, she attempted suicide, but all he can talk about right now is how this is affecting his life.

Honestly, I don’t know.

Beyond that, he was found not guilty, and I wasn’t there.

It’s hard to know how to feel about this one.

Actually, men have the highest score, dear. Forty-nine percent of the US population (just for a for-instance), and responsible for over ninety percent of our litigated violent crime.