Locomotive Jones

Klan lynching was not by some fringe group. Lynching was by a group that is still active. A group which currently has government officials as active members. And many of those lynchings were in my lifetime. Which says a lot, considering that I am still in my early 30's.

All I care about is what is happening today, and with the most frequency. That’s Muslim terrorism.

You should read Lord of the Flies

Why are you so quick to assume he’s guilty based on some tabloid bullshit. Sorry, I’ve see so many rising black stars hit with bullshit claims like this im not buying it.

Hope you’re not a Hilldog supporter

Hopefully one day you will realize that’s not true. Any shitty person can twist any religion around, using it as an excuse to do shitty things to people.

I’ve always wanted to know what kind of personality trait could cause a group of adults to do this to kids. Are they simply just born psychopathic? Or does living in such a shitty county take away any empathy one could have towards children?

If the Nigerian government is incapable of rescuing them on their own

If any of the Gawker Media sites will survive, Jezebel will probably be one of them, as will Kotaku.

Fair enough.

Make a new burner to apologize to me. Pronto.

My asshole isn’t festering.

I doubt that.

You made a burner just to say that?

I doubt Jezebel will give him a pass on this, but I don’t blame them for not wanting to lead the shitstorm.

So I should have mentioned his racism and drunk driving charges. But interestingly, the marijuana use made more news at the time than either of these other things.

Yes or no: is marijuana use a bad thing?

Hey Clover, you guys were promoting The Birth Of A Nation as recently as a couple months ago, but you’re silent now that Nate Parker has been exposed as a rapist? What’s up with that? (We all know what’s up with that. Loyalty to your race trumps feminism every single time, right?)

Yeah, I read it. Where is this quote from? It doesn’t say. He posts a link that doesn’t go anywhere citing a video that doesn’t exist. Don’t take the words of gossip columnists as facts.

the myth of rampant homophobia in the black community is exactly that, a myth.