Or his actions in 2013 with LIndy West, or his dozen other online flare-ups and flame-outs. Well that Bud lite won’t sell itself.
Brief reminder here to Ms. Omarosa that her favored candidate is currently receiving a miserable 1.5% support among black voters, putting him behind Hillary Clinton, Gary Johnson, and Jill Stein.
This is bizarrely easy on Parker for a Jezebel article.
Why don’t we just auto-condemn him like this site does with other directors who have been accused of sexual assault?
I would really like Hollywood as a whole to care half as much about Woody Allen’s 50+ year history of pedophilia as they do about this.
“Careful language” yet he says “persecute” instead of “prosecute.” I’ll assume that was an accident.
What’s different about the people you’re willing to attack and the ones you’re willing to defend?
How does this article not mention that both Parker and Celestin stalked the victim for MONTHS afterwards?
Independent of anything involving the accused director or his talent, Jezebel definitely ‘under reported’ it. If you were a trade publication or strict news site, it might be more permissable... But you’re Jezebel and it seems to go against a lot of what you purport to stand for.
Clover Hope is a piece of trash.
This is difficult.
I am troubled by this.
The matter is settled legally. We should let it go.
I seen nowhere else
These same white women in here
i would just love to hear more about how you guys reached this decision
Why the double standards Jez?