Locomotive Jones

I can’t find this on his timeline and it’s around 250 characters, pretty sure it’s fake.

Fake...about 100 chars too long.

Ah the old post a fake tweet game.

Because that’s not a real tweet. It’s way over 140 characters.

That’s not a real tweet.

that’s photoshopped. i’m looking at his twitter account (ugh) right now and that tweet is nowhere to be found, and it has wayyyy too many characters to be a real tweet, anyway.

I actually think refugee is important in this case. He is noted to have violent actions in the past and known to police. He may have untreated mental illnesses due to coming of age in the hell hole that is modern Syria.

“To wit, there was a machete attack (a violent crime, no?) in Ohio (which is far closer to Flatiron than Germany if memory serves) just a few months ago and I don’t remember it being covered here or reading a million thinkpieces about it.”

Please find the instance when anyone, whatever hue, whatever gender has wielded a machete in broad daylight to slay an innocent on a public street and it NOT been covered? Your dog whistle is not welcome here.

You do realize that the attacker in that story was Muslim, right? So if in fact it was not widely covered, it kind of contradicts your claim that white male attackers get less attention than other groups, huh? Nice self-own there.

Fuck this person flipping Pokemon Go girl the bird, she isn’t detracting from her experience, she’s just minding her own biz and gaming.

You’re absolutely delusional. There is no scenario in which a white man murders someone with machete in broad daylight and the story is not covered anywhere. I know you know this already, but hey, whatever BS you need to feed yourself to justify wanting stories about murders suppressed if they include an olive-skinned

LOL. Right. Because it’s not like any time a white male commits a violent crime we read a bunch of awful thinkpieces about how “white male toxic masculinity must be addressed.” You’re so full of it.

Curious, if the person was a white male, legal citizen would it bother you if the title said “white German male kills woman with machete”?

He should have been deported.

...were a small number of people in a huge war and you really don’t think it would look incredibly forced if they were included?

I know, why doesn’t Themyscira have any men, right? Seriously though, the movie takes place in WWI (evidenced by the Fokker E.III plane). The 1910s were not a period of tremendous diversity in Europe. There were lots of French and British colonial troops (India, Africa) who fought, particularly in the crises years.

Well on one hand WW1 was a very cosmopolitan affair with colonial troops from all over the world taking place... but it was very segregated. In many instances diversity is desirable, but not when it feels like the production company/director/writers are just trying to shoe horn different demographics into the movie.

You want more diversity in a movie taking place in the trenches of WWI?

It's WW II Europe get over it...