Locomotive Jones
  • Men being punched in a good movie: Good

Richard Lawson’s quoted review is the stupidest sounding one from the above list. Oh there’s gun worship, sexism, and racism in a movie about the worst people from prison being put together to kill bad guys?Who could have ever seen that coming? If it didn’t have those things it would be a shitty version of the suicide

I *wanted* to like the new Ghostbusters—for feminist reasons, among others—but it just didn’t work out. The writing was dull, the pacing was off, the editing/tone didn’t work, the story was weak. I was pretty bummed.

Don't you get it? He wasn't offended ENOUGH though

Just so all the Jezzers are clear - Ghostbusters is good because women and Suicide is Squad is bad because Jared Leto (man). Got it? Great!

So some people went to the a movie featuring some of the most violent, sadistic characters in the DC universe and expected something else other than violence, sexism, over-the-top action, and machismo? Sometimes I wonder what are the qualifications to be a film critic. I guess the ability to breath is one of them.

Too bad the mother didn’t have any shame after giving birth to the first kid with the nameless loser. Do the kids all share the same father??

Soooo where's the father?

Don’t be naive, she’s clearly drunk... just like she was caught drinking during college visits last year.

True, she can do whatever “she damn well pleases.” But like the Bush twins and Chelsea before her, she has to realize that people are going to be watching her like a hawk and putting everything she does in the public’s eye. Even more so now thanks to everyone having camera phones. Instead of just the paparazzi

The self-loathing must be pretty strong with this guy.

I don’t know. Yimou never struck me as being infected with Eurocentrism.

I read this too ; which is why I am not going to yell “cultural revisionism” just yet. For one, from the preview it looks like Damon plays a hired gun - someone the emperor contracts to fight a war against the enemy - since this is a thing that actually happened (i.e., Slavic mercenaries were routinely hired by the

Zang Ymou is directing I see. This is a far cry from “Raise the Red Lantern”

In defense of “Hollywood” after doing some digging on the film:

PETA has always been assholes. This is a scientific fact.

While I understand your point and agree with parts of it, that sort of hierarchy is mostly based on the cognitive abilities of the animals and the level of interaction the species has with humans. There’s a reason that there are differences in how scientists can study different species and the level of care that they

YES, dogs and cats are vastly VASTLY more important than lobsters. How anyone could not understand this must be an alien from another planet.

In the eyes of PETA, dogs and cats are nothing more than slaves. They are better off being euthanized to end their suffering at the hands of the human race that has stained this planet.

Like, really, that’s not much of an exaggeration.