I don’t know why you replied to me, but I am on board with your thought train.
I don’t know why you replied to me, but I am on board with your thought train.
So what you’re saying is that people who have broken the law to come to this country, broken the law to stay in this country, and likely broken the law to work in this country, should feel perfectly comfortable going to a place populated by people who ENFORCE the law, and where people are judged and sentenced for…
I don’t understand the uproar. Part of her comedy schtick is “come at me, bro”. Now we have an article on Jez that bros are coming at her. Meanwhile, she’s still collecting dem checks.
I do think there’s a special hate-on certain types of people have for a woman who is loud about her happy sex life
Okay. Well, I watched it and thought it sucked because it just wasn’t funny.
They should weight the stars based on how many minutes people watch.
I tried watching this but tapped out at like, 4 minutes in when she started saying something about waking up to someone eating her puss in college. Nope.