Locomotive Jones

Maybe, if the woman in the main photo, wants to gain sympathy from the American people about her wanting to stay in America, she should have painted the... AMERICAN flag on her cheek. Instead of the flag of the country she... DOESN’T WANT TO GO BACK TO?

Maybe, if the woman in the main photo, wants to gain sympathy from the American people about her wanting to stay in America, she should have painted the... AMERICAN flag on her cheek. Instead of the flag of the country she... DOESN’T WANT TO GO BACK TO?

Maybe, if the woman in the main photo, wants to gain sympathy from the American people about her wanting to stay in America, she should have painted the... AMERICAN flag on her cheek. Instead of the flag of the country she... DOESN’T WANT TO GO BACK TO?

Maybe, if the woman in the main photo, wants to gain sympathy from the American people about her wanting to stay in America, she should have painted the... AMERICAN flag on her cheek. Instead of the flag of the country she... DOESN’T WANT TO GO BACK TO?

Maybe, if the woman in the main photo, wants to gain sympathy from the American people about her wanting to stay in America, she should have painted the... AMERICAN flag on her cheek. Instead of the flag of the country she... DOESN’T WANT TO GO BACK TO?

Maybe, if the woman in the main photo, wants to gain sympathy from the American people about her wanting to stay in America, she should have painted the... AMERICAN flag on her cheek. Instead of the flag of the country she... DOESN’T WANT TO GO BACK TO?

Maybe, if the woman in the main photo, wants to gain sympathy from the American people about her wanting to stay in America, she should have painted the... AMERICAN flag on her cheek. Instead of the flag of the country she... DOESN’T WANT TO GO BACK TO?

Maybe, if the woman in the main photo, wants to gain sympathy from the American people about her wanting to stay in America, she should have painted the... AMERICAN flag on her cheek. Instead of the flag of the country she... DOESN’T WANT TO GO BACK TO?

Locomotive Jones doesn’t give a shit how you classify yourself. If you’re cool with joke theft, you’re a piece of shit.


So what you’re saying is that people who have broken the law to come to this country, broken the law to stay in this country, and likely broken the law to work in this country, should feel perfectly comfortable going to a place populated by people who ENFORCE the law, and where people are judged and sentenced for

If a movie seems unoriginal or boring to me, I just stop watching. I don’t get all triggered and go on some kind of crusade to warn the world about how evil the screenwriter was to copy some cliched tropes.

Who the hell cares about comedians stealing jokes?

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She just wasn’t funny to me, or even interesting in the absence of that.

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If you give it five stars, you’re supporting a joke thief.

I could never understand why they hate her so much.

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Poor triggered right wing snowflakes. They need a safe space from comedy because it makes them sad face.

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I don’t like her and her shtick is old and boring but if she annoys Trump supporters I can get behind that tbh

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They should weight the stars based on how many minutes people watch.