Locomotive Jones

but, honestly. the dude who is the host of noisey is possibly the lamest of all time. like if you ordered a “short straight white dude with one pump of apathy” from a coffee shop in brooklyn, this dude would come out.

Clover, will the white guy who runs Univision literally not pay you if you write a story about something that doesn’t involve a black person? Were you and Kara hired just to do the “black people” articles around here, like how Rich mainly does the gay articles?

Isn’t brainwashing cute?

Pathetic. I’m assuming the troop leaders are human women? With a “pussy”? Pathetic.

I sort of get the idea they’re going for here, but any organization that has the empowerment of girls as its central motivation cannot claim to be “non-political” in the country and world we’re living in.

These past few weeks have been like peeling apart a giant onion. There is layer after layer after layer, and I frequently have tears in my eyes.

A rejection of sexual predators and bigots should also be non-partisan and non-political, but here we are.

So resist the Girl Scouts appearing at Trump’s inauguration?

I will fucking raise hell before I accept president Putin and his shadow cabinet.

Fascism wins when you normalize it.

It’s really disgusting how quickly people like you will shit on everything this country was built on to fall in line with a fascist.

I will not view it in protest, which is another aspect of democracy.