Locomotive Jones

He is wrong and his lawsuit is frivolous ,that being said, I’m sure he will receive a 6 figure settlement from the City of los Angles .

What crap. He was arrested for laying hands on an officer. Then he wants to claim that wasn’t the reason at all. Just like when the cops catch people in any sort of illegal activity, they don’t want to be accountable for anything they might have done so it must be racial profiling. I will absolutely grant that there

Let’s post our own pics.

No one will touch the obvious observation here :)

TBH, any criminal act on a plane, violent or not, should be a federal offence.

To be fair, before the last election, a ton of lefties adored this dude.

She deserves 28 more years.

Uh oh, “disrespecting” usually leads to “peaceful protests.”

It’s usually not a good sign for your argument when you begin to talk about what is within the realm of possibility. The truth is that Assange has every reason to fear extradition. That doesn’t mean the rape charges he’s hiding from are fraudulent. You believe them to be because you need them to be. Because if they

Fuck her, wile I believe her treatment in prison was terrible she still deserves to be in there. 

How am I a troll? Because I asked for a source?

Can you link to an article about the debunking of the claim that Sweden will extradite him to the US?

Also I don’t really see how the government believes he raped someone as evidence that he raped someone. Is there any evidence that he raped someone?

Also the Swedish authorities who originally wanted to question him,

Is there any evidence that Julian raped anyone?

She got off lightly compared to pretty much anybody.

It’s disgusting that there were so many people filming and laughing instead of trying to stop this.

Father? LMAO!

Normal teenagers don’t assault old ladies. He’s lucky her grandson didn’t come over there and put a bullet in his worthless, empty skull.

Ms. James is a much kinder person than I.

Sorry, but this episode of Dear White People is nothing like what happened to Jordan Edwards, an unimaginable tragedy and loss for his family. Here a character gets offended because a white guy sings along with a song recorded by a black artist who freely uses the “n” word in the song. Seriously, it is ridiculous

“It’s also a vehicle to do something good in this world. And I know it sounds cliché, but good will always prevail,” he said.