Locomotive Jones

Locomotive Jones agrees!

POC members of the Nation Of Islam were wearing bow-ties when they killed Malcom X in 1965. Are the NOI “fashion forward”?

IMO, a lot of it is the negativity that hip hop promotes.

Black people aren’t the only POC who live in poverty and face institutional racism, yet they are the only group with rates that high. This can’t be blamed entirely on poverty and racism.

You don’t think people can be brainwashed by the negative, violent lyrics they pump into their ears on a regular basis?

You guys are crying about one fucking sign, and you mock white fragility?

Since the hypocrite “brighter” dismissed Locomotive’s comment, Locomotive Jones will respond here:

Testimony is evidence, fuckstick. Two women said that he stealthed them, which is rape under Swedish law and by the very nature of the act has no witnesses. But rape apologist asswads like you routinely deny that the word of women has any evidentiary value at all.

To be fair, before the last election, a ton of lefties adored this dude.

That’s the big issue for me. Chelsea acknowledged what she did, stood trial and accepted the sentence.

So you’re one of those guys who brings up the Crusades as a way to deflect when a Muslim commits an act of terror.

It definitely contributes to it.

Just shut the fuck up, stupid.

Edit: trolls regularly call me subhuman, non human, or animal bc they know I’m blk have read my comments.

You agree with a troll who is doing a caricature of an angry black militant. Think about that.

Your entire argument falls apart when you use that chart to demonize black people because white people are leading in so many of the major categories.

Yet that poster offers you no proof whatsoever that Locomotive Jones has ever actually done that. No screenshots, no links, nothing.

He’s also been known to edit pictures of mutilated animals into his replies after being pulled out of the grey. Beware, bruh.

No. But her “hip hop phase” was clearly an acting out reaction to her breakup. She doesn’t have to act like a desperate little whore anymore.

How about the mysoginy and violence Hollywood movies offer?