Locomotive Jones
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40 people saw this and no one thought “Hey, maybe I should tell someone (and I mean someone that could help the victim)?” or at least “Why are they streaming this? I need to alert Facebook.” much less let the cops know right away? I mean....just....JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!! Is this really how far we have fallen as a

I’m aware of it. I was referring to the myth.

But yeah, humanity has some problems.

I’d like to remind people of my Feed Them to Sharks™ plan for dealing with rapists, killers, and child molesters. It’s a pretty simple plan:

Shouldn’t Facebook have the profiles of the people who watched it? I mean, they record/track EVERYTHING, so I’m pretty sure the watchers are in a database somewhere. LOCK THEM ALL UP. She’s 15 so the very least you can charge them with is some version of child porn.

People are scum.

Ah, well that’s important to know. My ignorance about these matter feels more blissful every day.

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Why? Not for the attackers (because I give no love or concern for you), why on earth for anyone who watched and didn’t report it? What the actual fuck were you doing?

How would this have been any different on a non-profit site? What exactly did Facebook do wrong here?

Not on Facewhore since like 2005 and damn.

Fuck this capitalist bullshit.