Locomotive Jones

Whenever someone talks about themselves in the third person I hear it in the Randy Savage parody “The Boulder” from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Let me say this. I do not trust our government. Either Party. Having an outsider, such as Trump, as president, has the power brokers scared to death. They are doing everything they can to undermine him and deligitimize his victory. This Russian flare up is their last ditch effort prior to the electoral college

Yes, we should absolutely engage in global war because Hillary does not get to be president.

Hillary Clinton literally brought up Russia hacking the DNC during a debate where she and Donald were on the same stage. Now he’s trying to say that no one said anything until after he won?

What can he do, really? Launch a cyber attack on Russian infrastructure? Invade Syria? Those mighty sanctions that have worked so well thus far?

You must have misread the story - she is the one who screamed at and physically attacked him.

This has got to be the most idiotic comment I have ever read.

So you are happy someone physically assaulted another person because they disagreed with them?

She then reportedly grabbed him under the arms and shook him a little, an action that sources close to the matter say was not intentionally aggressive. Baio pressed charges and now here we are.

two grabs don’t make a consent, nancy