I trolled Breitbart for a while before I got banned, so I am being a hypocrite, but seriously dude just fuck off.
I trolled Breitbart for a while before I got banned, so I am being a hypocrite, but seriously dude just fuck off.
You keep telling people not to feed Locomotive Jones, as if this warning being posted in every article isn’t feeding Locomotive Jones.
Please don’t engage this troll. He posts here to get attention between jerk off sessions in hi mama’s basement.
U are a dumbass the fucking CIA came out with information thats what obama is going after. At the same time donald was bitching about a rigged system but since he won the system isnt rigged. But you arent calling out that hypocrisy.
Pretty sure voter fraud and hacking emails are totally different things. Idiot.
Kill yourself
Fuck Tim Wise. Locomotive Jones doesn’t use the word “cuck,” but self-hating pussies like Tim Wise are why the word gained popularity.
Please don’t call Locomotive Jones a critter.
Totally get it. We have to figure out how to get under their skin. Trump trolls love to say shit but I haven’t seen anything that can get to them.
Sorry, Locomotive Jones doesn’t respond to adults who use the word “bish.”
Just remove Trump from the running. That’s it.
If there’s one Obama conspiracy I hope is true, it’s that he’ll declare martial law and try to claim a 3rd term.
I wonder how many children were watching the debate where Trump bragged about how big his dick is?
No, “my boy” said it on a private bus where no children were present, to another adult, and he wasn’t aware he was being recorded. That’s a bit different than screaming it in front of an elementary school, you fucking idiot.
Seems like Scott Baio is looking for a safe space, no?