Locomotive Jones

YES. Trump is an asshole - go after what he says and does (there’a enough material there) but do yourself a favour and stop (a) slut-shaming his wife and (b) using his 10 year-old kid as a weapon against him.

But Charles Harder works for Peter Thiel, who FORCED AJ Daulerio to regularly post revenge porn

I’m second to none in my revulsion and dislike of the Trumps but I can’t support anyone who’s making up stuff about a 10-year old and putting it on YouTube. Autism probably *shouldn’t* be stigmatized but in 2016 it is, so even if the video is true, it’s attempting to out this kid against his will and his parents’

Sinc when? The comment section yesterday was filled with proclamations that it was probably some right-wing white-guy with guns. You can read them.

Excellent point.

Way to fight prejudice Abdul! Too bad he died, he should’ve lived to see what he did to his fellowmen and -women in America. #fuckedupstupid #gasolineforflames

And of course it’s a Muslim. But please let’s keep letting these people into the country by the thousands. Worked well for France and Belgium.

overly religious person goes on attempted killing spree? sounds like terrorism to me. just glad this pile of shit didnt do more damage than he did.

oh, and for all the anti gun dickbags shouting about gun control, thhhhhhhhbt.

Regressives, your mission is clear. First start by describing the terrorist as a WHITE Somalian like how George Zimmerman was described as a mythical WHITE Hispanic. Then, like how Hispanic was dropped and George was just a white guy, the same can be done with Abdul Razak Ali Artan.

Where are all the replies? Everyone here wanted it to be a gunman. That way they push their views, pro or con, on everybody else. People were hurt today. No one seems to care about that.

So the “awful twist” in all this is that he was scared to pray in public? Not that he ran over and stabbed nine people?

It wasn’t a shooting, the terrorist drove his car into people and then started attacking them with a machete.

Have you updated the fact that it wasn’t actually a gun. It was a knife.

yeah, this turned out just about right for all the anti-gun people.

So.....have we all learned a lesson about blaming guns today?

You can update your headline to “zero shot at Ohio State” anytime now.

Armed citizens & this ends as soon as the dopes get out of the car they smashed into the building

I am seeing reports of stabbings not shootings and that the only one shot was the “shooter”