Locomotive Jones

Oh, Sunshine. You are so going to get fucked under this new administration. You are precisely the type of lazy, sucking on the teat of government, loser that they can’t wait to kick off off whatever government health plan you have.

Cool meme, you must be such an intellectual powerhouse.

Die in a fire.

Dylann Roof wasn’t “self-radicalized?”

This is literally the only story I have ever seen referring to a white Christian man as being “radicalized.”

There has been one poster who did the whole “The cops killed this man, but they didn’t kill Dylann Roof!” routine, but she was the only one that I saw, thankfully.

Good. Everyone that I know who isn’t living in abject poverty has to overpay for their health insurance now, to a ridiculous degree.

That statement was nothing more than an objective comment on where the priorities of the ACLU currently lie. Yes, they are famous for having advocated for some pretty obnoxious groups, but that is not something they do as much of now.

Youre happy even though trump has already gone back on most of his major campain promises?

If they haven’t faced a backlash by now, they won’t.

He also will defend white women, but only if they’re being attacked by poc. A white man doing something to white women you get silence from him.

Wait. What?

Sometimes I picture him sadly putting on his little engineer cap as he switches on his electric train set and whispers, “It’s just the two of us again, Mr. Locomotive.”

Just FYI, Locomotive Jones is a long-time Gawker troll who infested Jezebel after Gawker got shut down. He occasionally manages to sound fairly rational, when he’s not doing things like posting pictures of women at Clinton rallies and rating the ones hot enough for him to rape, but not engaging and/or dismissing is

Your one totalk about critcal thinking akills. Something u lack.

“Trolling” implies that I don’t actually mean what I write.

Lol hey troll.

Delete this hurtful meme immediately. Very triggering for me.

Photoshop! There is no way those cute doggies would go anywhere near him.

Posting a personal photo of me on my doggy choo-choo is a violation of the Kinja TOA and I have flagged this for hate speech.