Locomotive Jones

I love how they added this:

My sister is considering universities for exchange next year. She never even researched US universities, exactly because of shit like this.

You go ahead and fight a gun with a spoon.

I don’t think it’s rational to be “just as concerned,” though. The ugly aspects of the Koran and Hadith are more common in religiously-motivated attacks than, say, the Book of Mormon.

As for religion? I’d be just as concerned with what’s in a Christian’s head as I would be a Muslim’s. Their hands aren’t bloodless either.

Nice display of pathetic white guilt and “progressive” virtue-signalling, though. You get 2 Jezebel SJW Brownie Points!

This will be used as evidence to restrict the refugee population.

This is false. Attackers were taken alive (aka white).

How about the people who feel unsafe by you carrying a gun in public?

Indeed, I do have a pussy. You mad, brodude?

Lol @ your shock and disgust at the thought of defending yourself.

I work in an animal shelter. My plan is “hide in the kennels where the biter dogs are kept and release a few of them”

I feel like I would opt for “reason with” and “beg” somewhere in between steps 2 & 3.

So you don’t think the officer should have had a gun to shoot a terrorist with a knife who just ran over people?

Actually, what I was saying was you look like a complete tool for overreacting without having all the information and you were wrong. Good job anti gun nuts!

Wait a minute, you’re saying that the person who should have had a gunstopped the bad guy?

Now playing

Don’t worry, I won’t let you guys forget that you voted a racist misogynist into office and although you claim you’re not a bigot or a racist, Trump being one wasn’t a dealbreaker for you.

Jesus I can’t wait for the majority of them to die off. 40 years can’t happen fast enough.

It does, and here is why. You go ballistic within your very first sentence and I stopped reading.