Locomotive Jones

I hope your kidding. If you are not then the only racist was you. I didn’t even think of race, nor did I know Steven was a jew.

I post here for about an hour every night while I watch Netflix. It’s not that hard.

Exactly. The Left condemns poor white America and then expects them to vote for their candidates. It stopped working this week, and progressives are losing their shit— by continuing to double down on the exact same rhetoric that made them lose in the first place.

Here, I’ll invent a new group. Black Americans Who Want To Kill All White Babies (BAWWTOAWB). As the president of the BAWWTOAWB, I officially endorse Hillary Clinton.

A/s/l?? *blows kisses*

That poster is a hate-filled, bitter asshole. I’m just an asshole.

What the ever loving fuck, dude.

We’re winning.

Now playing

Bernie failed to capture the imaginations of mainstream Democrats like these fine folks:

I’m both poor and white, and I voted for Trump.

His minions craved a strong dose of keeping it real followed by a chaser of telling it like it is- they didn’t realize the side effects included insanity, evil, loss of their fellow humans’ respect and death.

This is modern day Nazi Germany in it’s infancy.

I bet you won’t use “special child” again, though. Easily manipulated cunt.

Sam Bee is good about not joking when it’s not funny. Thinking about it, it reminds me of Larry Wilmore and makes me sad he doesn’t have a national outlet anymore.

people who have been joking or singing or generally messing about have been treated with a variety of scowls and disdain, because, time and place mofos, time and place.

tldr i’ve been disappointed in colbert. i don’t want to be and i keep going back and hoping he’ll say something meaningful.... and he’s fallen short of that, and sadly, often.