Locomotive Jones

Sorry, I really do not get your story. You said that these were friends of your son and that you had them at your home. So why would you assume that they would just out of the blue hang your son? You seem to foster some bad logic.

What did you hope to accomplish other than smearing your kid’s white friends and associating their stupid teenage tomfoolery with what happened to Emmet Till? Sharing a “visual”?

So, you ruined a totally innocent activity for a bunch of kids? Nice parenting.

I know the truth of poverty being its source, now, after the proper shitstorm I am receiving; my problem was my lack of experience with poor people of other races. I am grateful to have been pointed out the error my thinking, which was honestly the result of my limited experience (anecdotal evidence is tricky).

I would love to know how you define a crime, because the basic definition of crime has always been breaking the law. Overstaying visas, illegally crossing the border are all breaking the laws, so why aren’t they a crime?

Typical response of people on this site to anyone that has an opposing view.

I see 2 things, a slightly overzealous cop, and a family who doesn’t respect authority. Imo there’s blame to go around, but in the black community nothing is ever their fault.