Locomotive Jones

So littering is a cultural vice of some black people?

That guy is the root’s own Locomotive Jones. Just ignore his ass. Dismiss when you can.

In Locomotive’s experience, littering is just a “poor people problem” in general. Poor white people do it too, as do poor Latinos. In general, stupid people are the ones who litter, and the majority of poor people are poor because they’re stupid and lazy— which is why they litter.

Nah, I’m pretty sure the white folk who routinely claim “reverse racism” are the smug, predictable, and annoying commenters.

“If the reverse of this movie was made, I bet you snowflakes would be crying racism.”

Is anyone shocked to hear he has a cocaine problem? Locomotive Jones would have been shocked to hear that he didn’t.

I’d be happy to go my whole life without hearing my mom describe my dad’s penis in any way.

Lately I’ve been seeing a cunt with some fuzzy hair on it and I think it’s quite cute and endearing. Sadly the owner of the cunt does not think so.

Who the fuck says “Hispanic”? People from Latin America are Latino/a.

It’s kind of like being male. Lots more bathrooms

Under the “wet foot, dry foot” policy enacted by President Clinton in 1995, any Cuban immigrant who made it to U.S. land was allowed to stay and was eligible for full citizenship. It was definitely a sweet deal for them. Obama overturned it a week before he left office.

I wonder what that’s like? Being white, I mean.

I think the Cubans feel betrayed by the Democrats, specifically JFK, for not going in and taking their country back from Castro and returning their holdings, now long lost.

It’s called the Cuba vote. They came here legally (even if as refugees), now everyone else better do the same. Also known as, I got mine, so fuck you.