Locomotive Jones

@Loco - if you ever kick his ass, you gonna fuck him like a bitch once he’s down. I think you’d kinda hafta for all the shit he’s been talking...

Are you the moron who’s going to “take one for the team”?

I think perhaps it’s that very holliganism that led to this incident in the first place. Everyone has a last good nerve.

Fuck you, you lost. Fuck you, you lost!

You missed the point. You went on some SJW rant, and made a fool out yourself because you go to gizmodo for credible news.

Wow, you’re really smart and eloquent and articulate. You and this website are just fabulously brilliant. I love how you people and you websites talk about Trump and his voters as if everyone feels the same as you. It’s like when fascists tell black jokes to you cause they think cause you’re white, you feel the same

Holy Mass Hysteria Batman. Do you guys not read the article, opting only for the CLICKBAIT headline? If you take as much time reading as going apeshit,then you’ll know the experts are saying that these are not operation affecting, political positions. OMFG GUYS, THE SKY ISN’T FALLING!!!!

Waa,Waa, Waa! Another cry baby liberal. Seems most libs forget that the constitution has safeguards built in to help curb the abuse of power.It’s called”impeachment”, It almost worked on your favorite liberal Bill Clinton. If Trump screws up big time,It’ll work on him!

Fuck all of you whiney-ass tittie-babies! Trump WILL BE your lord and master in a few days. Obama can go on the money-grubbing tour, you all can still pretend that Michelle is beautiful and the end of the Clintons are nigh!

You and your closed minded holier than thou ilk are the exact reason Trump won. Thanks. I solely place the blame on you. Asshole.

Actually there was no deflection when people were telling you to calm down and you threw a tantrum because you didnt want to calm down.


Me: “Oh look, an article about Trump. I wonder if there will be any whiners in the comments section?”

I’m sure Trump voters have no regard for your opinion, and with your crude use of the English language few others would either. You come off as an ignoramus reactionist.

It’s not hyperbolic to look at past military coups, something we’ve never had in this country, by the way, and notice they all have a tendency to lead to repression and a lot of problems.

If you want to leave America, please go ahead. If you like Mexicans so much, why not move there? 

Haha, the first sentence of your first post is “Oh fucking fuck me. Fuck this. Fuck Trump. Fuck anyone who voted for him.”.

There hasn’t been heat in your kitchen in years.

We leave these comment sections because there is no point in discussing anything with you whiny little bitch lieberals. Two can play your infantile games. Fuck you, you lost. Fuck you, you lost.