Locomotive Jones
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Since all of us snowflakes are pussies anyway, there’s literally nothing less manly than ‘beating up people like me’ in bars on Friday nights, as you profess to do.

10/10 Pharrell rolled his eyes at the Jenna Bush-Hager apology, wrote the tweet, and rolled his eyes again.

“Jesus Hands” is a cute nickname! “Mohammed Hands” would imply he’s the kind of guy who rapes and marries 9-year-old children, so “Jesus Hands” is much better.

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But if your last good nerve involves kidnapping and torturing an autistic man, it’s all good, because slavery!

Why does this bother you?

Now add up all of Clover Hope’s stories and find out which percentage were “black stories” and which ones weren’t. And you chose to question Locomotive’s wisdom, so it is your job to educate me.

Obama can go on the money-grubbing tour, you all can still pretend that Michelle is beautiful and the end of the Clintons are nigh!

You and your closed minded holier than thou ilk are the exact reason Trump won. Thanks. I solely place the blame on you. Asshole.

Between your screen name, which made Locomotive Jones assume you were a woman at first (or at least a really fabulous queen), and your constant stream of animated reaction GIFs, Locomotive Jones is guessing you’re not the most masculine fellow.

It’s not hyperbolic to look at past military coups, something we’ve never had in this country, by the way, and notice they all have a tendency to lead to repression and a lot of problems.

If you want to leave America, please go ahead. If you like Mexicans so much, why not move there?

I’m a young middle-class straight white dude in America with an easy, well-paying and fulfilling job.

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The claim that conservatives, who spend their days calling people cucks, pussies, bitches, f*gs, n***er lovers, SJWs, white knights, and whining about how we’re “pussifying” America, somehow didn’t vote for Clinton because liberals are too ‘smug’ is fucking laughable.

As a white dude, I cannot imagine how exhausting that additional burden must be.

Russia isn’t paying them anymore.

It’s interesting how all of the Trump voters have practically disappeared from the comment sections. Fucking cowards.

Oh fucking fuck me. Fuck this. Fuck Trump. Fuck anyone who voted for him. I don’t give a shit if you like to hear it, Trump voter

Clover Hope wrote an article about black people?! How rare!