Locomotive Jones

I was driving and flipping off Trump signs

I give the bird to the tv at the gym anytime FacistNews has his picture up. I don’t give a shit if anyone has issue with it.

I give the finger (or two) to each house I pass with yard signs in hopes they’re looking out the window.

I have never driven past a car with a Trump bumper sticker and not been immediately filled with rage and a desire to ram my Equinox straight into it.

But unless this Chinese woman who conned other Chinese women has a demonstrable history of hating Chinese women, how the fuck is it a hate crime? She wasn’t conning them because they were Chinese, or because they were women, she was conning them because they were fucking idiots and she wanted their money.

yes, threatened to cut someone with a broken bottle still doesn’t deserved being spat on by a big white dude.

I don’t know how you ever find yourself on the same side as that troll but I’m glad you said something because they are a racist terrorist.

Kara, you need to get rid of Locomotive Jones. He was a prolificly racist white supremacist troll over at Gawker who has found his way over here. He only comes out of the woodwork to criticize people of color and those who support them. Even when I find myself on the same side, it’s for a completely different reason.

LMAO! It’s racist to point out that Kara Brown has an obvious bias in favor of black women? You would be totally cool with someone pointing out the bias in a male white writer who constantly defended white men, but it’s wrong to hold a black, female journalist to the same standard?

It’s because it specifically plays on Chinese beliefs.

Okay, that was a great response.

I never left!

I might be harsh, but it’s true: overlook politics when it comes to family.

I was actually shocked when she wrote a article a few days ago saying she didn’t care about Colin Kaepernick and his current protests until she saw he had a fro.

No one would be in your house.

Azelia has a lot of mental issues clearly however the image of big burly white Russell Crowe spitting on Azelia is awful. Sorry, whether race was explicitly brought up is irrelevant, it is there.

I am a boring white gay and she would be so fascinating to listen to every night when she goes through her insane rants and drama.

Any reference to women as “females” triggers a (rebuttable) presumption of sexism.