Locomotive Jones

Because you can’t just go around calling people niggers without expecting some sort of consequence.

White folks need to do more of that work themselves, and stop asking us to tell them what do to. It is not our job to educate white folks.

It makes her look like a shitty, two-faced asshole, so yes, I did notice that part.

Weird how my great injustice against Tilda Swinton isn’t bothering me at all.

Sounds like Cho is probably embellishing a little

This one is on Swinton. Don’t assume that people are nice, and forgiving of you. Apparently, those times are done. Now if you say something offensive, they’ll use it against you as soon as the moment arrives.

It doesn’t really and I’ll tell you why: Swinton and Cho could have a perfectly pleasant conversation and yet, on second thought, Cho could feel she was “othered” and used as a token and be mad about it I’m a fucking asshole who can’t admit I was wrong.

I think that for some reason you’re not getting the point that just asking some random Asian woman to discuss this was already being rude, clueless and unprofessional. Why in the world would Swinton assume Cho would know anything about it?


Sorry, but I think you only owe respect to people who are being respectful and considerate.

From what it sounds like, Swinton asked Cho to explain why Asians were mad, and then tell them not to be.

I’m glad Cho is telling people about this. This is how white people think. Even white people who seem super ethereal and enlightened.

This does not surprise me in the slightest. There are just certain people who you can tell are like that and Swinton definitely has those vibes

You should definitely whitesplain it again, dude. Go on. You know you can’t stop yourself.

“tell the Asians I’m not a racist for me, ok?”

Quelle surprise a rich white woman fails to understand why Asians are mad about her playing a role that was originally written for an Asian.

This doesn’t make Margret Cho look two faced at all.

I get Cho’s saying she felt like the house Asian or whatever. I think it’s weird that Swinton just emailed her out of nowhere like “oh I know of an Asian person! I’ll ask her to explain this mess to me!” Do your own work, lady. It’s not Margaret Cho or any other Asian American person’s job.

wow, a ton of Jezebel folks in here giving Tilda way too much quarter. what Margaret said earlier is exactly what happened. please STOP acting like it is okay for white people to come to their peers of color who they don’t know at all and be like “explain racism to me. how do we solve it? I just don’t understand.”

Funny, she sought out her opinion and then when she got it she didn’t sit and really listen, she started to explain/rationalize race issues to her. This is the equivalent of mansplaining.