Locomotive Jones

As a PoC I absolutely agree that this was wrong and completely unfair.

Maybe equal in intent (its unclear), but unequal in effect. You take your victim as you find her .... “Victim” as a legal or equitable terms, or in the eyes of the public are often shifting concepts. Disproportionate response (effect?), absolutely. Barring from NFL, no. Better suited to civil/criminal litigation.

People would just be pissed that the character wasn’t Tibetan.

Marvel was fucked either way people were gonna find something to complain about. Swinton did some interesting things with the role for a character that lasted all of 1 issue. Me, I woulda cast James Hong but what do I know?

Jesus Christ identity politics are the worst.

Awful lot of people defending the dude punching someone in the face. I’ve been insulted, shoved, and slapped before. And you know what I didn’t do? Punch the person in the face. When you punch someone first, you’re the perpetrator. When you get punched, you’re the victim.

Fuck, this comment section is Deadspin at its absolute worst. Fuck everyone here who thinks Mixon was in the right, or that his reaction was understandable.

Using a racial slur is worse than hammering a woman with a closed fist? Fuck off.

Everyone of you idiots saying “She started it!” sound like a bunch of fucking gradeschoolers on the playground. Grow the fuck up.

And only one had shattered facial bones.

lol, one is much much worse than the other.

yes, every single person in the state of OK is racist.

Eh, it’s probably not right to assume someone’s racist based on where they live. Seems a shitty way to go through life.

For those asking what happened according to her account mixon walked in called her friend a homosexual slur. She pushed him and then the rest is on the video.

How was she being racist. If she was, I’m sure Jordan would have gleefully pointed that out.

Goddamn, we should have nuked the Phillipines after that guy said mean things about our president.

It’s amazing looking at OU twitter. There are so many fans caping extra hard for this dude right now. Every other comment is “I’d knock her ass out, too.”

I am 100% certain that was not his first time striking a female.

Can I reply to this sentiment because I am honestly curious about this.

How did a copy/pasted email exchange between 2 other people involve any bias on the part of Rich?