Locomotive Jones

That particular poster is fucking insane.

I hope everyone who posted histrionic comments about Tilda Swinton’s racism and privilege two fucking hours ago on the previous post goes back and deletes them now.

also how bad does Cho look right now?

I wonder how many people reacting in the first article will bother to read this one.

Right? I thought of Tilda as this ethereal being who “didn’t get it” and existed on her own plane and I was mistaken.

Its this kind of thing that really fucks up the left and progress in general. In this instance, Tilda had a constructive conversation with her peer about how to address an issue, and then Cho takes it and warps it and makes it ugly.

OH SHIT! Tilda came with fucking receiptsssssssssss

Lol don’t worry, white people don’t care about your feelings either.

Look, I’m with you. I’m white and I’m tired of white people’s shit.

That’s constructive. I’m sure the world will be changed for the better with that mindset.

she was in Face/Off though, which is easily an a top 5 all time film

nope. Tidla’s emails were typical IM A NICE WHITE PERSON GIVE ME COOKIES, she literally checked off the bingo list.

“Its not my job to teach you even if you ask in earnest but fuck you for not knowing?”

Maybe it was unfair, but also unfair that roles are regularly rewritten and given to white actors, and no one is ever actually responsible for this. Cho’s fed up, and I get why.

Yes, Margaret Cho is an awful person. That’s what you’re missing.

I’m having difficulty understanding Margaret Cho’s perspective here.

Yeah, funny enough, that’s exactly how I hoped a conversation like that would go and for some reason it seems like Cho decided to twist it around on the podcast for comedic purposes. Maybe there’s more to it than this, but right now Cho looks very bad.