Locomotive Jones

I don’t do that. I have been posting a viral video of a woman tossing a cat off her balcony because Jezebel refuses to cover the story, but I have never posted anything close to rape/gore photos. They spam my comments to get people to believe that but it’s a complete lie.

Throwing cats off balconies pays off in the ab department.

Liberal Ideology controls the technological, scientific, artistic & moral arc of history — but it’s cute that you think 4 years of a Human Cheeto is going to change that. Don’t tear a rotator cuff patting yourself on the back, Sparkles.

No, I’m quite “woke,” as you asshles would say.

Complying with orders is not a safeguard for not getting shot. See Philando Castile.

They also killed Kelly Thomas, who was white and unarmed. Beat him to death with flashlights. I’m not saying that compliance always saves your life— but it’s a damn side better odds than not complying.

I’m not a troll. They’re lying. I’ve certainly never posted the kinds of photos they accuse me of posting.

He is a racist troll who will post animal torture and other horrible pics if ungreyed. Please don’t engage!

Yeah. That’s the reason.

Omg I needed that. Wait... your not serious are you?

I’m confused. Aren’t you like a troll or something? Like omg

Who cares if it’s a deterrent? At least he will be gone. That’s good enough.

Do you seriously think Jezebel would cover this? Half the people would complain about being triggered by the video, and the other half would blame the crime on poverty.

I think Ephraim Sykes (Seaweed) is the best of the bunch (apart from Little Inez)

Now playing

Open thread: How has the election caused your mind to focus? What do you plan to do in a different way over the next four years than you have in the last? Which opportunities can we take from these results to become better, sharper, and more directed persons?

White supremacy and racism is a white people issue that will never change until they decide to address it head on.

I mean if anyone has a track record for raping and taking over the world, its white people.

Oh. What’s that? You mean even though he had a gun and used it to shoot up a restaurant the cops actually managed to not only take him in alive but didn’t even shoot him? Imagine that. I wonder why....