Locomotive Jones
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Also, in how much trouble is he? Since he’s white and all, he might just get a pat on the back, be released with zero charges and a job offer in Trump’s transition team.

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How did you get to this place with these people and this kind of thinking not being something shameful and hidden?

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Speaking of interesting Instagram posts, did you see this? (It was taken off Instagram so here’s the YouTube.)

From what I’ve read Roof’s lawyers are pretty much just hoping to keep him alive.

State execution was obviously no deterrent, so if death is not the appropriate punishment, what is?

Yes he does. Execute the piece of shit and be done with it.

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White people have been utilising misogyny for the purposes of maintaining white supremacy for-fucking-ever.

Your right, he did. I, unlike your “guy”, believe in facts.

Countdown to the first “White people need to talk about the violence in their community” post. It was mildly funny when Cord Jefferson did it... three years ago.

I’m not bitter at all. My guy won!

Also, darling, you don’t know one goddamn thing about me, which includes how many weapons I have in my house. You don’t know that I grew up hunting. And you seem to dim to realize that everyone isn’t the same. Or that I’m older that you are. Darling, if you are as thin skinned as your leader, you need safe spaces. I

I grew up in the Midwest, moron. Most of it is purple. Also, my family farms, so I’m not real worried.

Lol ok, from the party that cries whenever someone says happy holidays.

Sweetie, you just keep on believing that. Your honeybuns will be just fine, bless your heart.

Oh! And I know it’s unfair to use facts against you but in the Civil War 1.0 the South had so many advantages and almost all the military officers. The North still won. Knowing that the most heavily conservative states are the ones that take more tax money than they put in and the most liberal states tend to be the

Buddy, some of us have guns and are great shots.

You’re not alone. I want Trump Towers falling like dominos from the minute he puts his hand on the Bible (without flinching, somehow).

Wow, that was almost as completely unfunny as the video above.

I know I am supposed to, but I do not love these people and never will.