Locomotive Jones

No, people like you are the problem. An attack on innocent people is never called for. What’s the big complaint here, that some insecure whites needed coddling and everyone is too upset and ain’t got no time for that? Really? Then don’t f*ing coddle them. Move on. Taking the time to craft a lengthy, whiny rant

How about all those articles which suggested that because she’s a white person, she’s responsible for the situation in the US, never mind that she was a foreigner?

Nobody said that. Learn how to read. I usually come on here to joke around but I’m tired of white people like you making white people look stupid.

Heather Heyer, the white woman who was killed, certainly had her privilege checked didn’t she? In fact the vast majority of the counter protesters were white which, due to simple demographics, is the way it’s going to have to be to push back against the resurgent white supremacy movement. Some white person reacting to

Remember, white allies are the worst!

So let me get this straight, when a white American woman is killed by a white supremacist, her death suddenly becomes remarkable for The Root, when a white Australian women gets killed by a cop, then she got what was coming for her?

ok lets be “fair” men on average work more hours, men work more life threatening jobs, men have a higher rate of suicide, men are 40% of the victims of domestic violence yet we have far few state funded shelters, here in the stated males have to by law sign up for the draft, men are more. likely to be victim of

going their is optional. not paying witch is still distractions and can be illegal depending on local laws. could you imagine a bar charging more for color people

Then go die on a battlefield, or in a ditch, or by falling off a building. Ya know, to make up for historic oppression.

So theyre going to charge 70 cents more on cups of coffee until hundreds of years of inequality has been rectified?

Putting this out there for all airhead “feminists” that think the wage gap is real:

so your idea is treat other unfair until all are treated fair? by your logic no one ever will be treated fairly

You forgot “his Trumpism”