Locomotive Jones wouldn’t kiss any part of your disgusting, bison-like body. You are truly a disgusting-looking monster.
Locomotive Jones wouldn’t kiss any part of your disgusting, bison-like body. You are truly a disgusting-looking monster.
The only thing more exhausting than an open racist is a disingenuous white ally.
I’m a clinical psychologist.
That car should have run your ass over yesterday instead.
It made its way to a dirt Dirt Bag post...see if you can find it..lol
Slight correction to your last sentence, they want there trophy before entering the race.
And if you do insist you are “one of the good ones” feel free to speak with your money.
tl;dr - The harm done to white feelings is not equal to the harm done to black bodies. Help or get out of the way.
You’re not even worth the breath I was going to waste on you.
She’s NOT saying white people should stop being outraged and should stop protesting.
How is this ‘throwing allies under the bus’?
Normally Locomotive Jones would say that he wishes the car had hit you instead of the “white ally” who died, but the car would have exploded if it hit your gigantic fat ass.
If only that car had hit you instead of your hated “white ally,” you worthless pig bitch.
It’s gone from being cloaked in white masks to crisp Walmart and Target polos, but until those so-called allies stand up to their racist counterparts, nothing will change. People of color are tired. We’ve faced this head on, it’s now your time to face it and change it.
If only someone had driven over Michael Harriot’s skull instead of this poor “white ally.” But Michael was too busy tweeting to get off his middle-aged, pathetic ass.
It should have been Michael Harriot instead.
She’s a white ally, though. You don’t give a shit.
Holy shit. Way to super-duper dodge all the responses calling you out for being blatantly misleading and instead offer some pithy nonsense as a non-response. Ever thought about working in politics?
Here’s your link.