Locomotive Jones

Also, “my lot”? I voted for Obama twice and Clinton this time around. I was a raving lunatic re: Trump (that he was dangerous) well before he started winning GOP primaries and most outlets treated his run like a vanity run (although, I think they were correct at the time). Unless by “my lot” you mean “people who don’t

LOL. You just regurgitate what left-wing nonsense you hear in the news. Try to get some thoughts of your own sometime.

I think in some circles on the left he had. But I think there is evidence that even that was still only because of tribalistic loyalties that superseded the work he did on the NSA front.

I mean .... maybe. I think there were quite a few Democrats who turned hard on Wikileaks the moment it released these emails, which was before Assange started going off the rails over the course of the last few months.

I don’t think there’s much evidence that dem voters have any additional capacity for nuance or adhering to principals. Just look at the talk over “respecting the office of the president” (contrast: 2008 to 2016), or fillibuster, or any other matter. Everyone’s doing what’s convenient in the moment. Very few people are

But Dems were singing the same tune when it was Republicans taking the heat from the leaks. It’s self-interest across the board. (Said by a bleeding heart snowflake).

Yeah, OK, I’ll trust your word on it. I work from home so I’m literally on this site all day and I’ve never seen proof of it myself, and you’ve never bothered to post a screen cap, but I’ll take your word for it. Yeah, buddy.

I’ve been lurking here for a long time and he’s literally never posted a rape or mutilation image. I saw you guys start accusing him of that about a month ago and it’s complete bullshit. I even went through all of his previous burners and never found anything like that. Do you think if you scream a lie loud enough

I agree with him more than I agree with you. All you assholes have done is complain about racist reactions to that video, not the actual content of the video.

Calling someone a troll just because you disagree with them is pretty lame.

Oh yeah, that’s a totally fair assessment. Right-wingers want to see black people shot in the streets. Right.

It was reported on Gizmodo, the mothership site yesterday. Keep moving those goalposts, sparky.