Locomotive Jones

He’s going to pull his racist shit with the wrong person one day and get stabbed.

But... but... but all good “progressives” know that it is impossible for blacks to qualify as being racist towards whites, because blacks have no power whatsoever, and are literally absolutely totally powerless to “back up their prejudice” or racially abuse and oppress whites in any way! Just look at how powerless

Can we at least all agree that while their actions are unpleasant, their pain is understandable?

As to white people yelling “reverse racism”: reverse racism still does not exist. This was not a racist crime, this was a bigoted crime: it was a combination of ableism and anti-white bigotry.


The question is will BLM (or anyone for that matter) notice when every other murder victim and perp since NYE has been black minority.

I do find it a bit odd that Jezebel didn’t immediately write about this yesterday, but meh.

The saddest part for me is the kid is special needs. Anytime I hear stories about special needs people as victims it makes my blood boil. That and people fucking with children, animals or elderly. I can’t handle it.

This awful, awful crime will be used to justify every racist thing over the next four years.

Good Lord, these are the muggiest of mug shots!

Now playing

I’m legit worried that this will become the new Republican scare tactic like the Knock Out Game.

Is it atypical for young women to participate in torturing people like this?

Right back at ya baby. I don’t for a moment believe you give a damn about Trayvon Martin or Rekia Boyd or the rest. It just helps your stupid victimhood politics.

You are a piece of shit.

When was the left ever concerned for Equality and Justice when Mao killed millions? When Castro killed thousands, imprisoned thousands, exiled thousands?

They didn’t bother including the video, of course. They should have let Kara Brown write it, it would have been 1000 words speculating whether the autistic kid had ever used the N-word and thus deserved his righteous beating.

Why didn’t Jezebel share the video? Too triggering, or would it cause Kara Brown to orgasm right there in the office?

I guess I’m going to just have to keep searching for a comment by someone who’s had the stomach for that video. Sure not me.

The problem is all of the white people who do similarly horrible things and end up with a slap on the wrist, if they are punished at all.

Fine with me. Throw the book at them.