Locomotive Jones

And of course, Loco.

Locomotive Jones noticed they didn’t bother to share the video on Jezebel. Reality is too triggering for the worthless shitheads who read this site.

Besides the assault itself, WHAT is with them streaming it over Facebook Live?!

Shut the entire fuck up you racist piece of shit.

Again - They’re not more important, they are just easier to spit out because they do not require the time and respect that a sensitive topic unfolding does.

It was reported on Gizmodo, the mothership site yesterday. Keep moving those goalposts, sparky.

They’d cover this immediately if it was four white people attacking a black person: they do that all the time.

Really? Stories from today: Ellen DeGeneres didn’t invite a homophobe, Kim K did something. These are more important?

God forbid people wait for something to develop before rushing to be the first to report on it, knowledge about the incident be damned. Or maybe it’s just people misunderstanding how alt news works.

Locomotive Jones is shocked— shocked!— that Jezebel didn’t include this video with their article:

This was first reported on at lunch yesterday. Took more than 24 hours for Jezebel to give a damn. I know, I know: it doesn’t play into their “narrative.” Still tho.

Clover Hope or Kara Brown are writing about black people to the exclusion of every other subject in the world? What a shock!

Sure, she’s a fine actress, and I’m going to her movie, but since a star can basically be bought, I just don’t see it as an “it’s about goddamn time” kind of thing, as if she was being denied for some reason like “Oscars So White” etc.

Sure, she’s a fine actress, and I’m going to her movie, but since a star can basically be bought, I just don’t see it as an “it’s about goddamn time” kind of thing, as if she was being denied for some reason like “Oscars So White” etc.