Locomotive Jones

Sleep well, self-hating loser.

I scoffed at her attempt at white girl tears.

I haven’t said it in a very long time, but I’m not my grandparents and somebody will catch these hands.

Its always interesting to see whether the blatant favoritism to women overrides the blatant favoritism to blacks in stories like these.

The majority of interracial murder in the United States is black people killing white people, despite the fact black people are only 14% of the population.

That laugh was nerves-bish was in pain AND embarrassed. Tyson-esque blows weren’t required. And again, I didn’t say she’d no longer be EVIL. I said she won’t say that in public no mo’.

for real.. them damn white people.. they are the only ones on the whole earth who do that stuff lol.

He slapped the taste out her mouth, not knocked any sense into her. You hear that evil laugh as she said it? That would take a Tyson at his prime hit to get that evil out.

Well I for one totally co-sign his actions and I’m very proud of him.

“Tomi Marchant” is right? The troll that everyone knows hates black people and trolls here by getting gullible people to agree with his/her clearly stupid point?

You realize “Tomi Marchant” is an anti-black troll who is mocking all of you by getting you to agree with them, right?

Same old nonsensical propaganda straight out of the alt-reich playbook. Yawn. Your reply doesn’t pass the Turing test.

I very much remember your little bitch rant about how poor you are, about how little you get laid, about where you’re not where you want to be in life... I remember all of that.

So you know that your chances of getting killed by a drunk driver are incredibly higher than getting killed by an Islamist terrorist. Yet do you advocate prohibition of alcohol?

100% guarantee, huh?

Because different Muslim terrorist groups attack in different ways!

Keep screaming you fucking failure. Don’t project how you feel about yourself onto me.


Drudge Report doesn’t have a comment section.

Locomotive Jones has read the guy’s tweets. He’s a liberal. If you want to argue about some random asshole’s tweets any further, pick someone else, because this is boring.