Locomotive Jones

Despite the promises from your cunt of a President about sticking together at this time the Special Relationship, already strained, is now on the verge of collapse as the US Government has spent the last 48 hours leaking increasing amounts of operational details to your Press regarding the attack and the bomber.

The same could be said of the woman; is she exempt from responsibility on the sole premise of being a crazy, white woman, or is it the fact that you are more interested in villainizing a black man who defended himself after a verbal assault?

That study is about America. What part of “worldwide”don’t you grasp?

Well in the real world, he was acquitted.

See, you don’t even know the questions to ask. Have you ever been in a fight ‘hard guy’? The problem with idiots like you spouting off about shit they don’t know anything about: they get embarrassed so easy. Are you blushing now?

Do you know what a crime of passion is fucko?

Why the fuck are you leaping into this loco? Out of meth?

If ever there was a bitch who didn’t know shit about shit, it’s you. I don’t know what makes you think you know me, but know this: I’ve gone through high school, I’ve been in fights there. I’ve been in MCRD and Camp Pendleton, and I’ve fought there. I’ve been to Iraq twice for OIF and I’ve even been in fights there.

Threat of bodily harm is different you shitbag. Don’t bring in “history” to this shit. Give the bitch the finger, tell her to fuck off and walk away.

The passive aggression is strong with you.

I’m going to show you how your “Bad Words” argument falls apart:

Nah, the coward move is talking shit to somebody assuming they won’t slap the shit out of you because you’re a girl.

This is a teachable moment for that idiot.

Depends on the situation but yes, words have been known to provoke violence.

The “coward’s move” is allowing yourself the restraint to slap the shit out of somebody who’ll transverse ground they don’t have a right to tread. If somebody wants to use words maliciously like that, then allow the accused’s cheeks to catch the swift arm (and palm) of justice they so desperately deserve.

You seem fine with this lady calling him the N word. I haven’t seen you say anything about her.

I see you are unfamiliar with the crime of verbal assault.

If someone wants to be hit so bad that they use the N word in my wife’s face, or decide to share with me that my mother is a whore - I’m going to jail that night.

I don’t like hitting people because words, do you?

“Tomi Marchant” is a troll who is mocking you.