Locomotive Jones

Look, it’s everyone’s favorite racist who only comments on terror attacks and stories about black people. What up, racist?

I feel sorry for it, slightly.

We get it. You’re a horrible fucking person. You’ve proved your point beyond any doubt.

Jezebel claimed the Turkey nightclub attack might not have been terrorism because there were reports of an attacker in a Santa Claus costume.

I think it’s not about the religion

Reminds me of the IRA back in the day.

Non-religious people praying for a religion they don’t believe in isn’t blamed for an incident= Uneducated Liberals.

Of course it is. It’s on its hands and knees praying to the god it doesn’t believe in that this isn’t Islam.

You’re a soulless piece of garbage.

Unless you’re around a lot of blacks or Hispanics. Then you’re more likely to be killed by them.

I’m truly sorry for your family.

Of course he doesn’t care about safety. He is simply scared of brown people.

Britain literally knows how to respond to these types of atracks because they had so much experience with the IRA. So kindly fuck off.

There is a far greater chance that I get killed by the Wyatt Earp wannabe assclown whose holstered Glock bumped against my arm...as I put ranch on my salad at the Jason’s Deli salad bar on Sunday than a radical Islamist.

If they all wanted to kill us, we wouldn’t be able to stop them before they killed millions more of us than there are of them.

Yeah, I’m sure you’re much more at home with Timmy McVeigh, huh?

Go throw yourself back into whatever racist shithole you slimed out of.

You’re much more likely to be killed by a white american guy. Can we ban them?

OTOH, the Catholics blew up Parliament, and they still live amongst us.

You are a racist.