Locomotive Jones

Religion of Peace™

No more so than Muslims enjoying being bombed by western militaries?

Go back to Breitbart with the other racist snowflakes. Then kindly go fuck yourself.

He’s a liberal.

I’ve been in 3 bomb incidents in the UK - one explosion and two mass evacuations and defused bombs.

Oh yes, to assume it’s one specific group of people that did this attack leaves one open to more attacks from other groups.

Fuck off back to the void where you belong.

The religion of pieces!

If its really a terrorist attack, they need to start going after terrorist organizations within Great Britain.

No offense, but why the delay with this story? Thought you guys would have it a lot sooner.

Well, male at scene identified as probable suicide bomber. What a fucked up world religion.

Way to show those 12 year old girls who’s boss. Monsters.

This is so sad. It takes a sick, cowardly asshole to go after concert goers, specifically when they re mostly kids and their families.

Sure didn’t cause any Republicans to give a fuck either.

Friendly reminder that “Locomotive Jones” is a well-known racist troll. Do not engage, do not ungrey, thanks.

I know this isn’t a very constructive response, but guys, give me your comfort food/media/anything right now.

A concert that is likely 80% 9-15 year old girls.

Actually thinking back I did know of it.