Locomotive Jones

There was the November 2015 attack at the Bataclan theater in Paris.

I’m sure it will only serve the conservatives in the upcoming UK election.

As Mr. Rogers said- look for the helpers.

Concerts should be a place of joy and freedom, not fear.

Trump will flip this and make it about him somehow, but it’s probably too late for him now anyways.

In today’s political climate, we should always be on the lookout for Reichstag fires.

I’m fucking TERRIFIED for something like this to happen here in Germany when the election draws nearer!

This is scary and honestly I’m waiting for something to happen here in the States pretty soon as well.

because that’s the first thing we should be concerned with when things like this happen. what are those conservatives saying on twitter.

But I was so surprised as to all the assumption

Kind of like when a white male commits mass murder, people here race to post comments about ‘white fragility’ and ‘toxic masculinity?’

Every single one of those comments is valid.

Not a single thought for those who have been killed and maimed. All about fighting some imaginary war on Twitter. You fucking ghoul

Never seen so many assholes show up on twitter so fast. If you are gonna go on Twitter be ready to get slapped by a SERIOUS wave of racism and xenophobia.