lochaber, guillotine enthusiast

yeah, no...

so, of course the PG&E site isn’t working, but someone on their twitter feed posted this:

I got to consolidate mine with the department of education, and it was way easier to deal with than when I had to deal directly with Sallie Mae and their stupid little payment coupon books.

He’s such a strong, powerful leader, that candidates are more effective than him...

fuck sallie mae

i dunno, basing the LGBT thing on gender discrimination, seems like a fairly simple, but not entirely wrong way of looking at it.

cool, thanks.

the scariest stories don’t involve the supernatural...

I think they were eating the seeds whole, with the shell still on?

“Trump Derangement Syndrome”

One of the other witnesses was doxxed, fired from her job, and blacklisted.

fuck off troll

Cops are just another organized crime syndicate.

I don’t think Maher has ever been that “left”

A while back, I bought a bunch of razors from Dorco. 2, 3, 4, and 5 blade ones

“I owe all of my work ethic, character, integrity, and moral fiber to my father.”

I hate that! There must be a name for this phenomenon!

I think it’s something to do with most people having an aversion to cannibalism, infants are sorta the “perfect victim”, and something about socialism=bad?

That would have been a poor choice when the movie came out, but I don’t think he’s old enough for that excuse...

It’s almost like some superficial feature matters more to these people than somebody’s actions...