you seem nice
you seem nice
From what I’ve read, programs created to specifically target poor black families, also generally benefit poor white families, while otherwise programs designed to help “poor families” regardless of race, often end up being designed in a way so as to exclude poor black and other minorities.
pretty much, yeah.
I’m not sure about the current run of Brita filters, but the ones back in the 90s or so were just activated carbon.
it’s just not possible to accumulate that amount of money without exploiting and cheating people, or inheriting it from someone who exploited and cheated people.
all of that money is going right back into the economy, and mostly local.
I started just putting clothes on hangers and then hanging them on my shower rod and pullup bar (“pullup” bar, ha...), but picked up a clothesline at Daiso, and it makes laundry a lot easier. I’m not as concerned about the cost savings, but more the quarters it saves me, as quarters are difficult for me to acquire…
bread machines are awesome
I didn’t have much luck with various youtube search phrases, but it was right at the top of the ABC youtube page when I tried looking there.
I’m glad she was acquitted, but she should have never been on trial in the first place.
BMI is only really relevant to demographics, not individuals
I’m enjoying it because it’s such an atypical insult, like calling someone a “walnut”
It’s really sad to hear about those people who have internalized so much homophobia that they have had to live with shame, guilt, and doubt about who they are.
this needs more stars.
reason #icantcountthishigh why ACAB
that’s not really any better...
I even went to the trouble of chipping the microphone off the circuit board of our tv remote, since Comcast wouldn’t give me one without it.
Puerto Rico? California?
I’m wondering if there is a bit of Islamaphobia creeping in there as well...