lochaber, guillotine enthusiast


because a bunch of men are more concerned about the fetus than the woman.

sorry, I should have read all the comments before making mine.

I hope Barr gets a fungal lung infection from his bagpipe.

oh, for fuck’s sake, can you hear yourself?

And Alabama is a “Stand your ground” state, no less...

it’s not a terrible leap from this, to banning women from driving.

welp, here it is.

I’m bad at grammar, so...

“For a party that preaches tolerance, this once again demonstrates they have very little civility.”

I think the default setting puts GPS and time/date stamps in the metadata.

Saying “You shouldn’t take kids from their parents and lock them in cages” is now considered “controversial”

I took a regrettable peek last night, and already Fox “News” is spouting shit like claiming it’s illegal for Mueller to testify in front of Congress...

It’s like he’s admitting reality has a liberal bias...

“I’m not homophobic, but...”

Don’t put your hand on the pavement in San Francisco...

I’d like to see how he scores on in-class tests and such, vs take-home assignments and homework. I’d bet a sizable amount that he’s getting his wife to do his homework for him.

I should have saved it when I ran across it but because I make poor decisions, I did not... But I ran across what I though was a great summary of the liberal vs. conservative conflict, that, highly paraphrased, went something like this:

It is absolutely crazy that U.S. forces were already in the air last night when Trump’s planned strike on Iran was called off. Like, it seems like that shouldn’t be possible. [New York Times]