but liters and ky-lo-grams are creepy!
but liters and ky-lo-grams are creepy!
sometimes a pencil eraser works really well for cleaning electrical terminals. It’s mildly abrasive, and being on the end of a pencil makes it easy to reach into compartments and such. Just be carefull to keep the eraser dust from falling into the item.
I think it’s partly anti-France (remember “freedom fries” anyone?), and partly anti-anti-billionaire, especially since a lot of the socialist/anti-billionaire types tend to reference guillotines and the French revolution a fair bit.
dropped out of school, and worked in a pizza shop. That was pretty cool. Then I went to Alaska with a couple friends. The trip was really cool, we bought an old car and drove from the East coast.
that was hilarious
this whole idea that a woman would carry a pregnancy too term, only to offhandedly ask for the infant to be killed after birth...
At least those grunts were at their assigned duty station, and might have still had some time off on nights/weekends, and got to go home to their barracks now and then.
If the pathogen hasn’t been identified, there is a chance that it could be a drug-resistant fungus, so you may not be wrong...
yeah, the key component of something to be truly worried about is a long incubation period where it has no/minimal symptoms, but is still contageous.
The ramp in these still provides protection, and going over the sides is kinda awkward, you know someone is going to snag their pack strap or rifle sling on something...
boob armor is dumb
you forgot Tom Cruise
I’ve heard similar stories of hellish bills from search and rescue ops.
I don’t think I encountered any scammers in Japan? at least nothing that comes to mind. But I do remember drinking with random people fairly often. Sake on some guy’s porch, being guided down some unadorned steps to a tiny little karaoke bar, being guided up some unadorned steps to some place that had bigass mugs…
these are more of an abrasive than any sort of standard cleaning agent.
when I worked food service, I vaguely remember using something like ice and salt. Although, I guess most people don’t have big ole icemakers lying around their kitchen, so...
yeah, this comment really needs to be up higher.
they’re basically a super fine abrasive, so... probably?
I remember this being used in college, over 25 years ago.