lochaber, guillotine enthusiast

what’s even worse, is that air-drying laundry is illegal in many communities. because of some nonsense claims of it being “unsightly” or such.

meh, I think it’s better to look to a dojo/sensei/whatever that specializes in teaching kids.

meh... There is a lot of value in practicing or sparring with an active opponent vs shadows and bags and what not...

I tend to be really pro-grappling/throwing types martial arts (Jiu-Jitsu, Aikdo, Judo, Hopkido, etc.), because they teach you how to fall, and that is a skill that is very valuable, even outside of a fight, and something that will likely be used by most people in just the normal course of one’s life.

okay, you can’t just make a comment like that without following up with a link or recipe or similar, that’s just mean...

I’ve only managed a couple times with an immersion blender, so I’m still figuring that out.

I think it’s an attempt to avoid dehumanizing them, by acknowledging they are people in a situation, and not merely their situation.

No one cried. 

I don’t think people really get over something like that.


yeah, it will likely be another “He’s not hurting the right people”

I just watched this last night, and am glad someone posted it.

I think the only worse location would be on the tire...

I’m also concerned about the location of the battery pack.

I’m 5'6" and ~200lbs. I’m not in great shape.

eh, save your money, these people are lost.

I believe she both asked for her previous testimony to be unsealed and for the proposed testimony to be open to the public, and she was denied on both counts.

citation needed