lochaber, guillotine enthusiast

I get really pissed off whenever someone tries to claim “peaceful protest” or whatever with these assholes. They showed up in body armor, with knives, clubs, shields, and even fucking firearms. That’s not a “peaceful demonstration” that’s a show of force and attempt at intimidation.

thanks for recommending that, it was a pretty damned good ad.

that’s one way to get pink-eye...

eh, urine is pretty gross, but it’s relatively harmless. It’s not quite sterile as a lot of people claim, but unless one has a UTI or some really serious medical conditions, it’s not likely to transmit any pathogens.

Thanks for posting that pic, I might very well use it the next time “civil discussion” is brought up in regards to this shitty administration.

On Friday, Trump held a news conference in which he had families of people killed by undocumented immigrants hold up blown-up photos of their murdered loved ones signed DONALD TRUMP.

I mean, I guess it’s a good point to think about what goes into your various everyday projects that get taken for granted, but this is just silly (although it does serve to get clicks, so....)

Produce is cheap af!

Arpaio should have to serve a sentence in general population in one of his own damned desert prisons

she’s not wrong

the Scrabble dictionary is garbage.

Please keep posting these posts, or at least until these horrors stop.

or just use superglue?

Please call this what it is, a concentration camp.

People, please remember (and adhere to) the very simple rule of not cutting towards oneself, that alone will prevent almost all knife-related injuries.

I’ve done it with a pocketknife (and, also stabbed my hand when doing it with a pocketknife, so...)

I’ve got my issues with religion, but I’ll gladly side with any decent person against this inhumanity, regardless of what they claim as motivation for their decency.

fucking concentration camps, lets call them what they are, not this “tent-city” bullshit.