Locomotive Jones

I’m genuinely a little puzzled as to why all this is suddenly news. This is what he’s been doing for years, going on Howard Stern or other shows and being gross. Any of his republican opponents could have broadcast this stuff, it wasn’t a secret. Why the shock and horror and fainting couches on the right now?

I don’t think that is the point of this site. This is more of a feed the monster click bait kind of site.

“Her family is really scared for her safety,” said a source. “She’s just so isolated and spends all her free time watching trash TV and commenting on Jezebel.”

I KNEW THIS WAS MADE UP. These fucking people. It’s always something with them. And now it’s a shady-as-shit lie designed to garner sympathy for some tasteless brat that deserves none. Oh, Kim, you “lost ten million dollars” in tacky jewelry? Cry me a fucking river. And you “thought” you were “gonna be raped”? But

I know!

Agreed. This seems a little bit too much like women having to imitate men in an attempt to show parity.

I’m kind of weirded out by this trend of creating all female reboots of successful movies. Not that I think it’ll “ruin” the movie or that we don’t need more movies with strong female casts (this cast sounds great and I’m sure the movie will be good). I just don’t like using women as a gimmick. Featuring women in

folks dont bother here, you cant argue with a Jez invader.

A little specificity please... it seems to me like you just thought you could offer a drive by “look at how I’m better than all these racists” without actually being held accountable for it.

Lol. Good luck with your smugness.

Care to cite any instances of said racism in the MLB and NASCAR? How many blacks have even tried to make it into NASCAR? The MLB has a lot of black players. Quit being a whiny bitch and look at reality.

They may be very different, but their mannerisms are the same. All sizzle, no steak.

It -is- the modern way...

I think he is referring to the similar affect of people like Jesse Jackson, Don King, Creflo Dollar, and other folks who exist off exploiting their own communities.

But hey if you can’t beat em, blame your failures on someone else.

It was my intention to engage in a serious conversation but I see it is not necessary as you have already established unequivocally that individual posting under “Oops I divided...” is “racist and misguided”.

Please forgive me but who exactly do you have in mind when saying “you peoples”? Although residing in I myself

May I suggest...

And here we go.. more self righteous people seeking money and fame simply for their skin color. I’m all for diversity, quality of life improvements, and genuine acceptance of any and all colors, creeds, and life styles. But i’m really tired of the dregs of society thinking that they’ve been slighted by those who have

It’s people like this that truly undermines legitimate campaigns for change.

Ugh, yeah, definitely had to figure out where to place it so it doesn’t get diluted by the shower stream.