Dude those who live in glass houses. Also, if jez commentors are so dumb why come here go to brietbart. U would fit in great there and you can complain about blacks, muslims, and latinos ruining your country.
Dude those who live in glass houses. Also, if jez commentors are so dumb why come here go to brietbart. U would fit in great there and you can complain about blacks, muslims, and latinos ruining your country.
You’re one to call people stupid. Also you are beyond preditable and a major hypocrite.
Yeah, thats not going to happen and people have made this suggestion for many years so not going to happen.
Dude that commenter is white. She just wanted to bitch about opression olympics while playing opression olympics.
Yeah when u brought up opression olympics, while playing opression olympics yourself.
Thats dumb
So should just ban them
But pretending like we all suffer the same isnt based in reality.
U are all over the place. Is it u kelly.
U are all over the place. Is it u kelly.
How is the title click bait. I guess u got to find something to complain about.
Asshole better. Piece of shit okay
Its almost impossible to keep all your promises. The idea that obama was going to do wverything he said is stupid.
In your opinion
Its not possible that she deserved the nomination it must be because shes black.
The national polls werent wrong the state polls were. Hillary won the popular vote.
Taylor is that u
Yeah, but trump wasnt president and he has made it clear he doesnt like the UN.
How are u confused with why they would want to withdraw.