
Back when I was working on photo shoots and if something like this would of happened we wouldn’t have pressed charges either. We would have beat the shit out of him. Alex needs bigger assistants.

No I don’t. Not lethal weapons anyway. Case in point: See story above.

It was great hearing the engines in the morning, it was the tuners at night that are the assh0les. They were always pissing in the alley.

All I had to do was walk out my back gate and I was there. Unfortunately I recently moved.

Now playing

And I see your little cats in big boxes with big cat in big boxes.

Breezy is the kind of guy that TLC based No Scrubs on.

A fork to the back of the hand will, usually, stop that shit.

De’ja is cute as hell and if she want’s to dump that chump I promise her I would never steal her pizza. #IStandWithDeja.

I’ve got to say, Uncle Karl really nailed that one.

Would buy...well at least pirate it.

And once again an untruthful headline.

You’re a fucking piece of shit.

Is there black on black crime? Is it disproportionately higher than it is other with other races? If so deal with it.

I sent a thank you to her facebook page. She is awesome.

Well that went south in a hurry.

The Cuban missle crisis. I remember thinking that all of our Duck and Cover training was going to come in handy. Actually it was pretty scary for a nine year old. I kept looking towards Detroit expecting to see a mushroom cloud at any moment, because I knew that the Russians would hit targets of manufacturing first.

She had a bad case of jungle fever.

I’ve tried it. If you don’t have insurance you’re screwed.

A Black woman going into water with a chance of getting her hair wet? As if.