In Hiddleston’s defense, Swift is a hot piece of ass.
In Hiddleston’s defense, Swift is a hot piece of ass.
I read somewhere that the boyfriend was 17.
Yes I do and apparently a lot better than you.
I just lost a good friend who was 86. 8 years ago she got a pot leaf tattoo on her ankle and she was still water skiing up till she was 84.
I’m not really insulted either. I have a tendency not to get insulted by idiots. So stick your head back up your ass and finish your dinner.
And another post from you that makes no sense.
Maybe he did win, we may never know thanks to Schultz.
I have an idea. Those who want Sanders for President write him in when November comes around.
She doesn’t “run it” she chairs it, two totally different things.
He’s more of a Democrat than Hillary is.
And Bernie convinced a huge amount of Dems that he was better than Hillary yet Wasserman-Schultz hindered his campaign at every turn.
And that is the only reason she is up there. She can’t open a movie by herself where Jennifer Lawrence can. Hell John Ratzenberg’s movies have made well over 6 billion dollars but if you take all of his movies (which is a lot) his per movie average average isn’t as high as Johansson’s. Also people didn’t go see his…
You have to take out the totals that the movies made. Her totals are high because of the Marvel movies. Movie that made a lot of money but they made a lot not because of her but in spite of her. She doesn’t really have the power to open a big hit like Jennifer Lawrence does.
Mines been acting up on me lately, headaches, vision weirdness and the like. They haven’t been able to find anything yet. It’s become a bit worrysome as I have already had one stroke a few years back. I hope everything works out for you guys.
Meth-head, nuff said.
First off I’m old, second I didn’t see my first bare pussy until the very early 80's and have been a fan ever since. Thank you Swedish girl where ever you are.
Texas bitches be crazy.